Millfields First School – Curriculum Aims
In September 2014, a new National Curriculum was introduced.
We have worked hard to introduce the new curriculum; this has been done in such a way as to continue to develop the skills and approach that we feel is important to the children’s development (‘A well-educated child’, see below for latest section). We have shared some of the changes to the curriculum with you last year and will continue to share changes with you this year.
Expectations have risen significantly, particularly for Key Stage 2 children.
Alongside the changes to the taught curriculum, the way that we assess the children and their progress has changed significantly. Children will now not be assessed using levels, this is the last year that the current system for statutory assessments (SATs for Y2) will take place in the existing format. From 2016 there will no longer be levels for assessing Year 2 children. From 2015 the levels have been removed for all other year groups. We will therefore report your child’s achievement at the end of the year according to where they are working in terms of national expectations. This is much as we have reported previously, but the expectations have now risen.
These changes are significant and schools are adapting their curriculum and assessment methods according to new guidance from the Department for Education when it is published. We will continue to keep you informed.
Here are a further two sections of our Curriculum Aims ‘A well-educated young person’
Is an independent learner and decision maker
At the beginning of a topic we have a discussion to see what the children know and what else they would like to know. Children are given opportunities to work independently, in pairs and in larger groups. When appropriate, children are given choice in how they work. Routines are quickly established and teachers encourage day to day independence through varying levels of support. This can vary depending on task, ability and intended outcomes. There are regular opportunities allow the children to ask and answer a variety of questions. As children move through the school, they are given different opportunities to take on responsibilities and develop their decision making and leadership skills. Such as working with learning partners, being a school councillor or in Key Stage Two as a play leader.
Is tolerant and challenges stereotypes
We are very inclusive – accepting of everyone, Children with a variety of Special Educational Needs are well and truly integrated into the school. We work in partnership with a variety of local schools including special schools. Joint projects foster a greater understanding of the needs of others.
There is a whole school approach to challenging stereotypes and showing respect to others. Through our Assemblies RE and Values curriculum we learn about other faiths and cultures, this equips the children to have a broad and balanced understanding of others.