The School Day


Our School Day

Our School Day Times
We operate staggered start and finish times.
8:40~9:00am – Doors open – Children arrive in a staggered manner by year group.
9:00am – Collective Worship
10:15am – Morning Break KS2
10.30am – Morning Break KS1
12:00pm – Key Stage 1 lunch
12:35pm – Key Stage 2 lunch
3:00~3:15pm – Staggered end of the school day

Key School Day Information

Arrival at School
We operate staggered start and finish times for the children. Please see below for further information.

It is very important that your children come to school on time. If you are unavoidably detained, please come to the front entrance of the school, ring the bell and you will be let onto the playground ready for your child to be admitted into school.

Year GroupDrop offPick up
Pre-School8:40am - Pre-school entrance

12:20am - Pre-school entrance
11:40am - Pre-school entrance

3:20pm - Pre-school entrance
Reception8:40am - Front playground3:20pm - Front playground
Year 18:45am - Front playground3:25pm - Front playground
Year 28:50am - Front playground3:30pm - Front playground
Year 38:50am - Back playground3:30pm - Back playground
Year 48:40am - Back playground3:20pm - Back playground

Collective Worship
Assemblies take place every morning. The children engage in a daily act of worship and take part in a range of activities during this time, including singing, learning and celebrating some of the many successes our children have achieved. Our Friday Celebration assembly is also a time for us to celebrate specific acts of kindness, attainment and birthdays.

Break Time
Morning play time starts at 10:30am for KS1 children, and 10:15am for KS2 children. During break times, the children will play with their friends from across their Year Group. The children also have the opportunity to purchase a healthy drink (milk or fruit juice) and snack (fruit, toast or bagel) from our school kitchen.

Lunch Times
At lunchtimes, children in Reception or Key Stage 1 are provided with universal free school meals. Children in Key Stage 2 may purchase hot meals or bring healthy lunches from home. School meals are cooked onsite and the children are offered a range of healthy and filling choices.

End of the school day
Children are dismissed by staff to their parents or a nominated collector, who must be aged 16+. A child will only be allowed to go with someone other than their parent if the class teacher has been notified beforehand and written permission has been given to the office by the child’s carer as a named collector.

Juniper Club (Before and After School Club)
Juniper Club opens from 7.30am to the start of the school and from the end of the school day until 5.45pm. It is run and managed by school staff. The provision continues the ethos of the school in ensuring that the children are healthy and happy.

All absences must be reported to the school office in order for them to be authorised – either by phone, email or the PA Connect (also known as ParentApps) app. In line with Department for Education guidance 2013, holiday absence is no longer authorised. Absence other than for illness must be discussed with the Head Teacher.