Welcome back to the Spring term Cedar Class,
The children have settled extremely well after their Christmas break and are ready for another fun and busy term.
This half term in English, we are focusing on Poetry. We will be reading and writing a range of different poems including Acrostic, Shape, Kenning and List poems. In Maths, we are developing our use of written strategies to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculations. We continue to work hard to learn and practise our times tables on a daily basis. Please remember to regularly practise them at home too. You will find them in your child’s Learning Diary.
Our History topic for the term is ‘The Romans.’ The children we will be learning about who the Romans were and how have they impacted Britain.
In Science we will be learning about ‘Forces and Magnets.’ I am sure the children will have lots of fun experimenting and carrying out investigations.
In PE this half term, we are fortunate enough have a highly skilled sports coach working with the children in one of our PE sessions. Later on in the half term we will begin our swimming sessions. Look out for letters which will be sent out in the next week or two.
Our PE days are:
Monday and Thursday – please have indoor and outdoor kits for both sessions.
Forest School – Friday AM
Please ensure you child’s Learning Diary as well as their reading book is in school every day. And don’t forget, a piece of Home Learning is due in on a Thursday every week please.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Mills