Hi Maple Class,
I hope that you have had a good Easter and that the Easter Bunny delivered lots of eggs for you to enjoy. I have to say I was very lucky this year and had lots of them although I haven’t eaten them all yet, I am trying to eat them slowly!
I have been on lots of walks with Reggie so he has been busy unfortunately he has also dug lots of holes in my garden!! You know how cheeky he can be. I hope you have all been keeping busy too.
There are lots of new activities for you to complete on Purple Mash this week so I look forward to seeing all of your work. I know that many of you have been looking forward to our topic about the Titanic so there is a project for you to complete. Find out as much as you can about her voyage!
On the Website there is also a learning sheet with lots of different activities for you to explore. It would be good if you could keep these activities in a folder so that we can share all of your work on our return to school.
Take care,
Ms Neale