Hello Cherry Class,
It has been lovely seeing you settle in so quickly after Christmas and ready for a new term.
In English this half term we are focusing on Poetry, we will be reading and writing a range of types of poetry including Acrostics, Shape and Kenning poems. In Maths, we are learning new strategies to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We are also working hard to learn and practise our times tables through our daily practise of the Times Tables games.
In PE this half term we have a sports coach delivering one of our PE sessions helping us to learn and develop new skills and sports in a fun way, reinforcing the importance of exercise to stay fit and healthy.
Our Topic focus for the term is The Romans, we will be learning who the Romans are and how have they impacted Britain.
In Science we will be learning the different types of forces and investigating use magnets.
Our PE days are:
Wednesday and Thursday – please have indoor and outdoor kits for both sessions
Forest School – Tuesday AM
Please ensure reading books are in school on a daily basis, these are checked daily, remember to record any reading that you do at home.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Hughes