
Acorns Classes

Welcome to Acorns Reception classes!

In Reception we follow the Early Years Statutory Framework and learn through discrete teaching sessions and play. 


Here are the adults who work in Acorns Classes:

Mrs K Crossland – Acorns K Class Teacher (Early Years Leader)
Ms D Neale – Acorns N Class Teacher

Miss O Cullin – Class Teaching Assistant
Mrs M Gellatly – Class Teaching Assistant


We use Tapestry to capture our learning journey at school.  Parents have the opportunity to add to this themselves: we encourage this, as the children love showing their friends in class their learning outside of school.  If parents are unsure how to do this, please ask the class teacher for support.

Latest News

At present, we are setting Home Learning via Purple Mash, through Tapestry observations and from the Home Learning sheet that is available to Early Years parents via our ParentApp. Please ensure this is done on a weekly basis. Mostly, in these unprecedented times, we hope and wish for our pupils to be happy and settled,...
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Hello everyone! Our Forest School site is currently undergoing some developments. New fencing has been erected around the periphery of the grounds and areas of brambles have been removed. As well as creating more space for the children to use we hope to develop this area as a wild flower meadow with the children. We have...
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Nothing from 31st August 2024 to 31st August 2025.