Welcome back to all Holly Class. We hope that all our children had a wonderful summer break and we look forward to lots of exciting activities and learning projects in this new term. We hope that parents continue to support their child with their reading, phonics and maths at home. It is having an excellent...Read More
Hello everyone! Our Forest School site is currently undergoing some developments. New fencing has been erected around the periphery of the grounds and areas of brambles have been removed. As well as creating more space for the children to use we hope to develop this area as a wild flower meadow with the children. We have...Read More
Welcome to all our new starters – you have settled so well and it is lovely to see the big smiles coming into Pre-School each morning. The last half term we have been learning about the seasons and we are now entering the Autumn Season. If you attended the parents Forest School session, you would...Read More